
Navigating the Waters: Choosing the Perfect Pet Fish from 10 Amazing Varieties

Swim into Serenity: A Guide to Selecting the Ideal Aquatic Companion

Dive into the enchanting world of aquatics with a pet fish that fits seamlessly into your life, especially if you’re navigating the currents of allergy constraints. With an ocean of species available, each with its own splash of colour and character, finding your finned friend can be both exciting and overwhelming. Whether you’re a seasoned aquarist or a novice to the tank scene, this guide will help you choose from ten remarkable fish species that promise a captivating underwater experience, without stirring up your allergies.

The Top 10 Pet Fish for Allergy Sufferers:

1. Betta Fish – The Solo Swimmer:

Betta fish
Betta fish

Bettas, also known as Siamese Fighting Fish, are known for their vivid colours and elegant, flowing fins. They are relatively easy to care for, making them ideal for novice fish keepers. Bettas are best housed alone due to their aggressive nature towards other males, but they can live with certain peaceful species. These fish thrive in a tank of at least 5 gallons with a filter and heater to keep the water between 76 and 81 degrees Fahrenheit. They are interactive pets, often coming to the surface to greet you and can even be taught tricks like jumping through hoops.

2. Neon Tetra – The Dazzling Schooler:

Closeup shot of a school of neon tetra in the aquarium

Neon Tetras are small and slender fish with an iridescent blue body and a vibrant red tail. They are peaceful, schooling fish that prefer to be in groups of six or more. Neon Tetras are a fantastic choice for community tanks due to their peaceful nature. They require a well-planted tank with soft, acidic water to thrive. They are not only beautiful to look at but also serve as an indicator of water quality, losing their bright colouration if the conditions are not suitable.

3. Guppies – The Hardy and Vivid:

fish guppy pet isolated on a black background

Guppies are incredibly popular due to their bright colours, hardiness, and the fact that they are easy to care for. They are active swimmers and breed very easily, so if you have a mixed-sex tank, you can expect plenty of fry. Guppies are adaptable to various water conditions and do well in a community tank with other peaceful fish. They are omnivores and will accept a wide variety of foods, making feeding simple.

4. Angelfish – The Majestic Beauty:

Angelfish in aquarium

Angelfish are a type of cichlid that are admired for their graceful swimming behavior and unique shape. They have long fins that trail behind them elegantly as they move through the water. Angelfish prefer a large, tall tank with plenty of space to accommodate their fins, and they do well in a peaceful community, although they can become territorial during breeding. They require a slightly acidic to neutral pH and benefit from a varied diet of flakes, live, and frozen foods.

5. Goldfish – The Classic Charmer:

Bright goldfish in an aquarium

Goldfish are one of the most recognized fish species and come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Contrary to popular belief, they require more space than a small bowl to thrive, with a recommended 20 gallons for the first goldfish and an additional 10 gallons for each subsequent fish. They are cold-water fish and do not need a heated tank, but they do produce a significant amount of waste, so proper filtration is crucial. With their wide variety of breeds, from the fancy Oranda to the common Comet, there’s a goldfish to suit every aquarist’s taste.

6. Corydoras Catfish – The Amiable Clean-Up Crew:

Leopard corydoras aquarium fish. Cleaning fishes in captivity

Corydoras catfish, often simply called “cories,” are small, friendly bottom-dwellers that make excellent additions to many freshwater aquariums. They’re known for their armoured plates and playful behaviour. Corydoras are peaceful fish that do well in groups of their own kind and are excellent for community tanks. They help keep the tank clean by scavenging for leftover food on the substrate but still require regular feedings of sinking pellets or wafers.

7. Mollies – The Versatile Livebearers:

Closeup of common mollyfish floating underwater

Mollies are livebearers, meaning they give birth to free-swimming young instead of laying eggs. They come in various colours and fin shapes, including the popular black molly, dalmatian, and balloon varieties. Mollies are generally peaceful and can adapt to a variety of water conditions, including freshwater, brackish, and even marine setups. They enjoy being in groups and can be kept with a variety of other peaceful fish.

8. Cherry Barb – The Subdued Schooling Fish:

Closeup of a Cherry barb fish swimming in an aquarium

Cherry Barbs are small, brightly coloured fish known for their peaceful nature and ease of care. The males boast a vibrant red colour, especially during spawning, while females are more subdued in hue. They are schooling fish that do best in groups of five or more and are a good choice for community tanks with other peaceful species. They thrive in well-planted tanks that offer plenty of hiding places.

9. Zebra Danios – The Energetic Striped Fish:

Adding some colour to your aquarium. Shot of a group of various Danio in a freshwater fish tank.

Zebra Danios are hardy and energetic fish with distinctive horizontal stripes. They are extremely easy to care for, making them perfect for beginners. Zebra Danios are active swimmers and enjoy being in schools of six or more. They are very adaptable and can withstand a wide range of water conditions, making them a robust choice for those new to fishkeeping.

10. Platies – The Colorful Companions:

Platy tropical fish

Platies are another great choice for new aquarium enthusiasts due to their hardiness and peaceful nature. They come in an array of colours and patterns, adding a splash of vibrancy to any tank. Platies are livebearers like mollies and guppies and are known for their ease of breeding. They get along well in community tanks and are not known for being finicky eaters.

Choosing the Right Pet Fish for You:

Exotic freshwater fishes in an aquarium

Selecting the perfect pet fish involves considering several key factors:

Tank Size: Ensure you have the right tank size to accommodate your fish as they grow.
Maintenance Level: Consider how much time you can dedicate to caring for your fish and cleaning their tank.
Fish Temperament: Some fish prefer solitude, while others thrive in groups – choose based on your tank’s community.
Water Parameters: Different fish require different water conditions. Match the fish to your ability to maintain these conditions.


A small goldfish swims in an aquarium standing on the windowsill in the room

Stepping into the world of fishkeeping can be a rewarding experience, particularly when you find the right aquatic ally that aligns with your lifestyle and allergies. Remember that fishkeeping is not just about adding water and fish to a tank; it’s about creating a harmonious ecosystem that supports the health and well-being of your underwater pets. Choose wisely, nurture patiently, and watch as your aquarium becomes a source of tranquil beauty and joy in your home.

Written by Ahmed Maqrhi

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